Homework & Exam Solutions Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:23:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 32 32 Studying for Your Corporate Finance Exam Mon, 12 Jul 2021 09:47:14 +0000 Are you struggling to prepare for your corporate exams? Would you like to learn new study methods to help you prepare for your corporate exams better? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. This article will go through crucial study tips to help you ace your corporate finance final exam. Hence if you are having trouble in this area, then this is an article you would not want to miss out on.

Corporate finance is all about risks versus rewards. However, to get a great job in this sector, you must pass a couple of pretty challenging exams, from mid-term exams to your corporate finance final exam. Due to this reason, you require to have a rigid study habit to attain high grades in all these exams.

Corporate finance study guide for your exams:

Find an Isolated, Noise-free, and Distraction-free Study Area

Look for a study-friendly place with minimal disturbances and noise. The site should be strictly designated for study purposes alone. Hence, it would help if you avoid including any distraction material in the room, including phones and screens.

You can include corporate finance references and study material in this area. That will increase the accessibility of these resources. If you require any corporate study material, you can find them in the section labeled as “business” in the schools’ or local library.

Gather Supplies

Putting all your study supplies together in an accessible place is a pretty good idea. It saves you a lot of time that you might have to spend each day looking for a pen or textbook during a study or class session.

The study supplies which are most significant include:

  • Papers
  • Textbooks
  • Notes
  • Calculator

Attend Classes

Attending classes should be held in high regard. Doing so does not only help you memorize notes better, but it also helps you identify crucial topics from the lecturers’ perspective. Be attentive in class and note any point that the lecturer emphasizes. Such points will most probably appear in one of your exams.


If you have any doubts about an answer, then do further research to uncover if the answer is correct or otherwise. Remember that the same question might be tested in your exams, and you do not want to write down an unsure answer.

Combine Study Material

Put together all your study material and form a studying guide. You can then use this study guide to go through different topics during your study periods to avoid redundancies.

You can type out the study guide or create flashcards.

Study Groups

Study groups are pretty efficient for going over challenging topics. Different people have different memorizing techniques, and you might learn pretty impressive memorizing techniques in study groups.

You can also find any information that you might have missed out during the lecture from your peers.

Study groups are pretty efficient in studying for your corporate exams, hence make use of them efficiently.


Studying for a corporate finance exam is pretty challenging. However, if you apply all the tips provided in this article, you will ace your exams without a doubt.

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How to Get Ready for Math Test in College Mon, 12 Jul 2021 09:46:17 +0000 It is hard to find ways on how to pass a math test without studying, then. If you need a good grade in math, work for it. Mathematics may seem hard, but if you study hard, it becomes easy to handle. If you find it hard to prepare for a mathematics test, here are some tips to help you prepare.

Begin by doing homework

The best strategy on how to do math test is doing your homework. Your tutor may give some assignments at the end of every lesson to help you understand the concept taught in class. If you need to learn how to pass a math test, begin by doing those assignments. You will learn new examinations skills, improve your calculation speed and internalize math concepts.

Homework also provides you with formulas and techniques you need to apply in your last test. Keep track of all the reading and try solving all the math questions supplied by your tutor for easy work.

Go an extra mile

You will not rely on the notes and examples from your tutor. You need to move ahead and work on the extra task. You can undertake an online math test that you can use for exercise and improve your working technique. The more you solve challenging questions, the more you sharpen your working skills. Some sites even have math test help where you can get assistance when facing a difficult question.

If you face trouble trying to solve math questions, find somewhere you can get math test help and learn step-by-step methods of solving challenging questions. The more you explore new questions, the more you earn new skills in working out difficult questions.

Set enough time for math

You won’t be rushing with questions and topics in math if you need to learn how to study for a math test. Math subject requires patience. You must dedicate ample time to the subject to go through the step-by-step procedures of solving math questions. Even if you don’t grasp the concept in a day, don’t give up. Spare some extra time and go through the process fresh until you internalize the challenging idea.

Prepare yourself both mentally and physically

You can’t walk into the math class exhausted and expect to make it in the math test. Before your big day, have time to relax and focus your mind on the test. Avoid spending the night cramming math formulas before walking up tired to the math test the following morning. When you are exhausted, your mind will be congested, and you won’t be productive in your math test.

Do online practice

You are looking for how to study for a math test? Do online practice or simply pay someone to take test for me online. Several sites are offering online math help to students facing a challenge in the subject. Such sites are full of online math tests that you can practice and test your speed and accuracy. As you expose yourself to more tasks, you learn and perfect your calculation speed.


Whether you need tips on passing a math test without studying or studying for math, you can now find what to do. Plan your time and do more practice. Start with the homework math questions as you keep improving on your skills.

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Tips to Help You Prepare for Biology Exams Mon, 12 Jul 2021 09:43:25 +0000 Are you struggling to study for your biology exams? Are you having trouble executing biology assignments efficiently? If your answer is yes, then this article is meant for you. In this article, we shall go through a couple of crucial strategies to improve your performance exam-wise. We shall also cover some tips to help you tackle biology assignments more efficiently. If you wish to improve your biology grade, then this is an article you would not want to miss out.

Biology exams are pretty challenging to many students. However, you can overcome study barriers pulling you down and improve your biology grade immensely with the tips that we shall go through. Assignments play a significant role in the examination process; most questions that appear in the exams come from your assignments. Hence you require to undertake your homework efficiently. We shall go through a couple of tricks to help you “cheat on biology homework” to gain more concepts online.

Here are some study tips for biology exams and homework execution tips:

How to carry out Biology Assignments

Biology is a pretty exciting and fun subject to study as it involves many practical things, from learning animals to body parts and nature at large. However, some concepts can be pretty challenging to understand and memorize for many students during class time. Here is where biology assignments come into play.

Assignments contain much information that you might not have understood in class; hence you must take them seriously.

Biology homework can also be pretty challenging, especially if you are unprepared. Hence you require to have the required resources to tackle biology assignments. You can access help with biology homework online from qualified tutors and writers. If you are wondering, “can these writers do my biology homework?” then the answer is yes. They can execute your assignment efficiently for a fair and affordable price and provide surprising solutions that you can use to revise for your exam.

You can also get assignment help from the following resources:

  • Peers and friends
  • Your professor
  • The library
  • Question and answer websites
  • Science forums

Tips for Studying for your Exam better:

  • Be Organized

Most students fail in biology due to poor management of their time. Hence, if you plan to succeed in biology, you need to have an incredible time plan to avoid time wastage.

  • Active Studying

Studying alone is not entirely beneficial, especially when you are studying for a science paper. The information does not stick as efficiently as it would if you learned as a group.

  • Be Lab Active

Lab experiments are pretty efficient in helping students get visual effects of the theory information taught in class.

  • Share Information

Tell other people about the information that you have been studying. You can use your family as a mock audience, or if you are alone, you can stand next to a mirror and tell yourself about the topic you have been studying.


Studying for a biology paper can be pretty challenging and overwhelming. However, if you apply the tips provided in this article, you will for sure ace your test in due time.

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Hints to Prepare Well for Your Exams Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:08:46 +0000 Exams can be terrifying, right? Especially if it will determine how your degree will be classified. It is therefore expected for one to be stressed and for nerves to set in during this exam period. However, there’s no reason to fear! If done correctly, revision will help increase your confidence and reduce anxiety – you will be well prepared for your examination.

All the tips discussed in this article can also help with online exams; they are effective either way. So let us dive into the tips to revise better.

Early preparation

To be well prepared for most of the exams at the university level, you require a deeper understanding of the subject to manipulate concepts and apply them confidently to newer problems. Therefore, it is essential to begin your preparation early.

Cramming at night before exams not only disrupts your sleep but also may potentially confuse you. Instead, keeping up with your coursework and attending lectures and seminars throughout the semester makes revision more effective which can reduce stress immensely.

The use of past exam papers has been proven to be a very effective revision technique. It helps you get used to the format of questions, and if you time yourself, it can be good practice for making sure you spend the right amount of time on each section.

Do simple but recurrent revisions

While cramming may be widely accepted, this is not the best approach to exams for most of us. Instead, create study sessions and space them out throughout the semester. Have specific goals for each study session; goals keep you focused.

 Getting together with friends for a study session is an effective revision technique to challenge yourself. You may have questions they have answers to and vice versa as long as you stay on topic for an agreed amount of time. Well-distributed study sessions have been proven to enhance cognitive performance, learning and helps to reduce stress.

Embrace a good diet and better sleeping habits 

Preparation for the exams includes physical elements as much as it is academic since the brain is a part of the body. Eating a well-balanced meal, staying hydrated, having a good rest, and taking time off to be with your friends ensures the body is well prepared for the exam.

Eat nutritious foods, what you eat can significantly impact your energy levels and focus, and being hydrated is essential for your brain to work. Consistent rest, relaxation and making sure to stay fit are vital; it helps your brain perform. Taking care of yourself goes a long way to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.

Gift yourself and maintain calmness

Plan your exam day. Make sure that all essentials for the exam are ready in advance, check all rules and requirements, plan your route and journey time to be punctual to the exam. It helps you set your brain ready for the exam and keeps you calm. Listening to music before exams is also a way to keep yourself calm.

After being handed the actual exam, it is crucial to calm yourself, take a few seconds, breathe deeply, focus on the paper, and avoid turning over the paper straight away. To build your confidence, begin with the most straightforward questions while planning your answers. If you go blank or freeze while doing your exam, have a look at something else other than the exam, breathe deeply and hold on until you’re calm to continue doing the exam. Rewarding yourself after you finish the exam, no matter how well or bad it goes, it gives you the confidence to wait for the outcome. It also motivates you to work hard, knowing when it goes well, you’re going to enjoy your reward.


Exam revision is essential if you are looking to ace your exams. It might seem complicated, but once you apply all the revision techniques provided in this article, you will find the revision of exams to be easy.

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How to Practice Chemistry & Learn it Easily Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:07:53 +0000 It could be that you’re spending a lot of your time studying and cramming for your following examinations, but when they come, you still struggle on the paper. You must first know that you are not alone since some of the best candidates or students in chemistry worked their way through, and therefore you need not put your head down. Here are some study tips that can help you learn chemistry.

It takes time

You don’t wake up and find that you are the best in your class. You must try first to become the best, just like in sports. You, therefore, need time to practice the subject. Mastering chemistry takes and demands time. Of course, you will not get every element of the subject right away because you’ll have to wrestle with all the material that comes before you to understand all the concepts for you to become the best. Ensure that you allocate the right amount of time to go out through your course material and practice solving the problems regularly. Such courses are usually not directed towards Reading because they work best when used together, including Reading, lectures, office hours, and Labs. You can also go online to get chemistry homework help.

Understand practice problems

When you do many practice problems, it doesn’t mean that you will become great at solving problems. You will never come across an exam problem that is the same as the one you practice, and therefore attempting all problems is not the best strategy to utilize at this point. Instead, you should ensure that you can perfectly explain when and why you take a step to get to your solution whenever you’re working on a practice problem. It gets so easy to fall into the trap of successful Reading to find a solution and think that it all makes sense. It will be a problematic Road to discover how to apply such skills to different problems unless you can explain all the steps without using just a statement.

Read and practice before the lecture

You need to introduce yourself to the material before the lecture steps into the classroom. In that case, it will be easy for you to utilize that time to become more productive in practicing and solidifying the concepts that you have gone through. The more you practice and hear about the material, the easier understanding will get.

Lab sections are vital

The lab sections get developed to guide and highlight the students through critical concepts or chemical phenomena. Ensure that you can apply the essential concepts of all sections before going to your next test or exam. One great way to see whether you are using the ideas rather than making a memory is by checking to gauge whether you can explain every step you are taking to solve a problem. You must also ensure that you finish up on extra practices often offered in the lab write-ups or sections.

Be inquisitive

Be sure to ask many questions almost all the time. Teachers always appreciate whenever students ask them questions because it illuminates the fact that they think and listen to the material. You can go ahead to ask questions concerning the material or the lecture. In case you’re having a review of the material at your own time, then you can write some questions to help you, and if you go ahead to answer them correctly, then you’ll be on the right path. If you get stuck, you can find some time to get together with your instructor to help you or form a study group.

Learn chemistry when awake

Most people put away tricky things, and it simply means that more students might choose to study chemistry at the end of the day when they get worn out. You should instead save sometime during the day that you are always alert and go over your notes.

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Best Tips to Succeed in Biology Class Fri, 25 Jun 2021 10:07:38 +0000 Are you a student taking biology? Would you like to learn tips to help you improve in biology class? If your answer is yes, then this article is for you. In this article shall focus on different strategies that you can apply to ace your biology class. If you find this topic interesting, then follow along to learn more.

Here are tips to help boost your studying habits in biology:

Good Notes

Notes are a great way to start your journey towards improving in biology class. Having good notes means that you will enjoy reading them, plus you will not get confused while reading. Make sure you have well-organized notes according to multiple systems; it might be per topic or per chapter, choose the method that best suits you.

Here are more notes tips:

  1. Note any unclear concepts
  2. Read previous class notes before class; it will help refresh your memory
  3. Color code
  4. Title and number pages
  5. Leave room to add some points
  6. Do not write down each detail in class; it will end up making your notes confusing.

Utilize Textbooks

Textbooks contain a lot of information that your teacher does not go through into details. They are hence great to compare and supplement the notes provided during the class. Textbooks also provide clarity of information; if you find a loophole in your notes, the books will almost always have an answer.

Points to consider when utilizing textbooks:

  • Going through a topic before it is taught gives you an upper hand in understanding it better. In addition, it provides mental awareness of what to expect during the class.
  • Do not try to get detailed notes from the textbook. Reading the text is a good idea but rewriting it is not as good; it takes a lot of time.
  • However, you can underline, highlight or jot down any crucial information you find in the text.
  • Avoid paying a lot of attention to insignificant information. For example, instead of learning each part involved in digestion, try and understand the image. Images are far more helpful in terms of memory retention.

Early Help

To do well in biology, students need to ask for help at the right time, and the right time to ask for biology help is early. Staying with an unsolved question does not benefit you in any way. You, therefore, require to ask for help immediately you get stuck.

Tips to get assistance:

  • Your Professor

Your professor is always willing and ready to offer help in biology, hence utilize them. Approach them with a reasonable question, and they will provide an appropriate answer without a doubt.

  • Make use of the Schools’ Resource Center

There are resource centers in school whereby tutors assist students struggling in various subjects. Make use of these tutors to get assistance in any questions, education-wise that might be bothering you.

  • Hire Online Tutors

Millions of biology tutors online are willing to help you out and for a small amount of money.

  • Get Biology Homework Help

If you get stuck doing your homework, you can always utilize the many biology homework help websites available online.


Biology is one of the most exciting subjects to learn. However, it can be challenging for some people. If you are struggling in biology, apply all the concepts discussed in this article to note drastic changes.

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Why Homework Is Good? Mon, 13 Apr 2020 14:07:56 +0000 Students have a lot to do in their studies. There are lessons to attend, exams to do and homework as well. Of all these, homework has never been a favorite for many students. The many assignments have been seen as a bother by some and this has robbed them of the help they could have received from doing such homework. To date, not everyone can tell why is homework good. Whether students like it or not, it will continue being part of learning because it has so far produced a lot of benefits than harm if managed properly.

Part of the reasons why homework is good has to do with the opportunity presented to learner’s to revise. Imagine if you didn’t have homework at school! There is a high chance that you will only revise towards the exam period. For that reason, homework keeps you on your toes ensuring that you are in a reading mode throughout your learning. Therefore, you will need homework to help you study and prepare for exams at any time.

Reasons why Homework is good for you

By now, it’s obvious that you will get to revise as you do your homework. There are a lot of things to learn as you work on your assignments. The good thing is that you will be able to familiarize yourself with exam questions and how to approach them. Therefore, homework helps you study a wide range of topics.

To remember what was taught in class, every student needs homework. This is part of the reasons why homework is good. It helps you put into mind everything that was taught in class. As you keep practising through homework, you will soon get to realize how these ideas are sticking in your mind. There is a lot that will be brought to your remembrance as you do the homework.

Understanding why Homework is Good for Kids

Children learn things easily if they are done repetitively. One of the ways to instil this principle is by giving frequent assignments. As children go through these assignments over and over again, you will get to realize that they are learning better and what they learnt is sticking in their minds. This tells why homework is good for Kids. There is no question about that. Children that are not doing homework are unlikely to do well in their learning.

To stay motivated while doing homework, you can choose some good music to play in the background. However, it shouldn’t be distractive in any way. Make use of good homework music to help you relax and focus on the task at hand. It will help you achieve a lot with this opportunity to read.

Homework is good and a very vital pillar in learning. Therefore, students in institutions of learning should commit themselves to do homework for the obvious reasons stated here. It is a perfect way to revise and ensure that what you studied in class sticks in your mind. As you go through these assignments, you also get to prepare for your end-term exams.

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When Was Homework Invented? Mon, 13 Apr 2020 14:06:06 +0000 Homework is not what it was over a century ago. Believed to have been invented by Pedagog Roberto Nevilis in 1905, homework has turned out to be a very essential part of learning despite being started for the wrong reasons compared to what it is today. The question of who invented school alongside other concerns seems to have attracted positive affiliations owing to the benefits that have been realized with it. There has been a complete transformation to what homework is today and seems to produce more benefits when handled in the right manner.

As we look at “when was homework invented?” we come to realize that it was initially given as punishment to students. However, this perception has changed over the years and is now being embraced as an important facet of learning. It is unlikely that students can go through their studies without having homework. This time around, it is not being used as a punishment but as a means through which they have been able to learn even outside the classroom.

Importance of college homework

There is a reason why your professor is always giving you assignments to work on them while at home. Well, these are meant to help them see whether you are getting what is being taught in class. Again, it is also helping you study as you study through various topics looking for answers to the questions in the homework. For that reason, your college homework is meant to build you and boost your learning.

Students think that homework is bad. However, that is not the case. You will get to realize that it is meant to help you the more. It is, therefore, important to look at it that way to make the most out of the situation. You can now get the help of online professionals if you are not sure of what to do and get answers to your homework that will help you in the future.

Why was homework invented in Learning Institutions?

The way homework is used today is not the same that it was used in the past. However, you will realize that there have been a lot of changes in presenting homework as part of what students need to be successful in their learning. For that reason, the question of “Why was homework invented?” should not be with negative connotations looking at what it has become to date. No one is punishing you by giving you homework. School is here to help you grow your skills and become the best you can be in life.

Make use of every online opportunity to make your school life bearable, check out these math calculators and other helpful tools that will make your homework experience better. Even when you feel pressed hard by these assignments, take it positively and find a way of handling them. Look for help online and you will realize how important they are to your learning.

Homework may have started in the wrong footing but it is part of what you need to excel in your academics. Take it positively regardless of the opposition it has faced throughout the years. Seek help from experts to ease the burden on you.

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